In the Beehive we all help each other. Whether you want to migrate or you are migrating, or you want to develop your communication, we share information, options and recommendations to make better decisions.
Whether you are looking to migrate permanently, visit your relatives in another country, do an exchange or simply go on vacation, the first step is always to have a valid and valid passport. And we have good news for you: it's a lot easier than you think!
You have already gone to the office of the National Institute of Migration of Mexico, handed in your papers, had your photo and fingerprints taken. You followed all the steps and waited patiently: and now they are printing your Border Worker Visitor Card!
The Border Worker Visitor Card is very important if you are going to work in southern Mexico, because it will guarantee that you have all the rights of the law, just like Mexican workers.
Education is power and can open up a world of opportunities! Scholarships are an excellent opportunity to explore other countries on a regular basis or to contribute to national development.
Whether you are looking to migrate permanently, visit your relatives in another country, do an exchange or simply go on vacation, the first step is always to have a valid and valid passport. And we have good news for you: it's a lot easier than you think!
At one point Luis Fernando Moncada was a new face in our community. As usually happens, young people connect with the cause and join the "Think Twice" campaign. In his case, he learned about the campaign at a meeting of organizations in Tegucigalpa.