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IOM promotes Somos Colmena, a virtual community that offers verified information to help you make safe migration decisions.  

On this website you can find the communication for development (C4D) campaigns in communities in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic.   

We engage with communities to address their information needs on migration. Our main objective is to generate positive social change through improvements in people's knowledge, attitudes and practices.  

Our Impact

We have worked with more than 170 local partners in the region, and these are some of the results of the 2018-2023 period:

More than 18000 people reached face to face

More than 177000 unique users in our web portal

More than 82 million social media impressions

More than 380 media pieces on radio and television

980 trained people

23 launch events

Our Campaigns

Central America and Panama 2024

Costa Rica 2023

Mexico 2024

Previous Campaigns

Haiti 2021

Mexico 2020

Costa Rica 2020

Guatemala 2019

Honduras 2019

El Salvador 2019

Nicaragua 2019

Mexico 2019

We invite you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X y TikTok to discover activities near you and learn even more about safe migration.

Somos Colmena is an initiative of the IOM Regional Program on Migration, funded by the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) of the U.S. Department of State. For more information click here.

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