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Life Journey (Ruta de la Vida) is a strategy of IOM Dominican Republic that provides information on migration, immigration procedures and prevention of risks and scams. It also connects you with safe opportunities for work and study locally and abroad.


What information do you need?



  • La Ruta de la Vida - Testimonios de la experiencia - República Dominicana 2024 thumbnail
    An immersive experience to reflect on migration
    Life Journey became an immersive experience that Dominicans had the chance to join and live. Those who were part of this experience, learned the shocking stories of people who decided to take make irregular journeys by dinghy.
  • Ruta de La Vida - República Dominicana: Experimento Social 2024 thumbnail
    $6000 offer – A Social experiment
    Open your eyes! We tricked a group of young people in Baní to show them how easy it is to be deceived and become a victim of human trafficking. Watch the video and find out their reactions. Protect your future, get informed and stay alert!

Do you want to search opportunities in the Dominican Republic?


Scam Alert!




Do you want to migrate safely?

If you leave, go safely


Scam alert!

Human trafficking is a crime that refers, for example, to cases where a person is deceived with a job or scholarship abroad and ends up being exploited.




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Traveling by dinghy to another country puts your life at risk, choose the route of life.


A C4D strategy by IOM Dominican Republic

Funded by the U.S. Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.