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The communication campaign “Updated Papers” (“Papeles al día” in Spanish) of IOM Costa Rica and the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners (DGME), aims that people living in Costa Rica without their immigration documents up to date can regularize their immigration status.

Get your papers up to date to access better opportunities and live more safely in Costa Rica. For a better future for you and your family!



Learn how they got their papers up to date!

  • Papeles al Día - Si Costa Rica es su hogar, regularice su estatus migratorio thumbnail
    You, who chose Costa Rica as your home, you are responsible for regularizing your immigration status!
    By having your Costa Rican migratory document, you are taking a step towards your well being.
  • Regularice sus estatus migratorio con Papeles al Día thumbnail
    Here we explain how to update your papers!
    By doing so, take a step towards your wellbeing, by having a Costa Rican migratory document. Take a step towards your wellbeing by having a Costa Rican immigration document, learn more about the importance of starting your immigration regularization process.
  • Ponga sus Papeles al Día - Natalia Rodríguez thumbnail
    Don't wait any longer, update your paperwork!
    For you, for your family and for better opportunities.
  • Por un futuro mejor para usted y su familia - Papeles al Día thumbnail
    With your migration papers you will be able to obtain more opportunities!
    Remember that if Costa Rica is your home, you have the responsibility to regularize your immigration status.
  • Papeles al Día - Natalia Rodríguez thumbnail
    Do you live in Costa Rica, and don't have your papers up to date?
    Start your immigration regularization process, for a better future for you and your family! Write to 6476-0582 for free advice and help in the process.

A campaign to get regularized by link to Costa Ricans.

Benefits of regularizing your migration status

  • Access to Social Security coverage in the Costa Rican Social Security Fund.
  • Access to social assistance such as scholarships, housing bonds, educational programs and other types of subsidies provided by the Costa Rican government on a regular basis or in emergency situations.
  • More and better employment options.
  • Admission to the formal education system.
  • Access to banking services.
  • Possibility of entering and leaving Costa Rica, without running risks on irregular routes, where one can suffer accidents or be a victim of organized crime.

Requirements for regularization

Check the specific requirements for each immigration category and start the process today: 

  1.  Special Category for Temporary Workers 
  2.  Special Category for Cross Border Workers
  3.  Special Category for workers of a specific occupation to work with a legal entity. 
  4.  Special category for workers of a specific occupation to work with a natural person.
  5.  Requirements for Permanent Residence due to a relationship with a Costa Rican.
  6.  Requirements for Temporary Residence by marriage to a Costa Rican citizen. 
  7.  Requirements for renewal of permanent residence free condition

Channels of information on migratory regularization

General Directorate of Migration and Alien Affairs (DGME in Spanish)

Municipal Centers for Migrants

  • At the centers you can receive clear, reliable and updated information on migration regularization processes and access to services for migrants.

Attention in person:

by appointment only.

  • The appointment must be requested through the CMM telephone or mail:, Request your face-to-face appointment or virtual counseling via Whatsapp or phone call: (506) 6476-0582.


Ilustración: Alcancía

All migrants have rights, do you want to learn more?

Click on the image to know your rights.

A comprehensive campaign... Beyond information.

A comprehensive campaign... Beyond information: “Updated Papers” works in cooperation with the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners (DGME) and various community organizations to carry out actions such as:

  • Bringing regularization to your community: Information days and "migramóviles" (mobile information hubs) we bring migratory services free of charge to migrants, providing them with clear and reliable information, as well as accompaniment in their process in a personalized way.
  • Training processes and educational workshops: Actions that allow migrants and staff of key institutions to strengthen their knowledge and skills on various important topics.
  • Building bridges towards regularization: Through various participatory community awareness actions, we work to raise awareness about non-xenophobia and discrimination, as well as to promote the knowledge of migrants about their rights and their right to a dignified life.


A campaign by IOM Costa Rica