The one I thought was my big opportunity

Kevin, a young man with purple hair, next to the personifications of his emotion and his reason.

The one I thought was my big opportunity

I was promised I’d be an international soccer player

Written by Kevin, in Guatemala.  

Being a soccer player has always been my dream. To be in Barcelona or Manchester, to play with the best. To have the life of Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Maradona. All the big dreams. 

A few months ago, I thought I was finally a few steps away from reaching the top as you saw in the video that tells my story, or at least that's what Don Manuel told me Mr. Jeremy would help me do. 

First, the idea was to win a scholarship to go to an American high school that would give me visibility in front of future recruiters and at once educate me as my mom wanted. 

It wasn't until I got to the field and got the offer that I realized that you have to be careful with people. Those men did not want the best for me. 

It was a scholarship offer that promised me everything, but also asked for money. It didn't make sense to go into debt but thinking it through gave me the courage to say I wouldn't sign without all the right information. 


How did I know it could be a scam? 

Easy. I knew that scholarships could not ask me for money until a proper process was carried out and that if it was a scholarship, why would it be asking me for so much money? 

I was also suspicious that this Mr. Jeremy did not represent any specific high school. All scholarships are related to some prestigious or recognized institution. 

Also, I found it very strange that they wanted me to sign a document without allowing me the opportunity to read it in peace and in the company of my parents. One should never sign a document without reading it, as it is committing oneself blindly.  

Finally, Mr. Jeremy hardly knew me. He did not know if I was a good student in school or if I had the capabilities to fulfill all the requirements that a scholarship could have; however, he was offering me the sky and the stars. Any time you are offered something so good and asked for so much money up front with no assurances, assume there is something fishy going on. 


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