Here you can find information about the immigration procedures that you need to do to have a stay regularly in Mexico.
Due to the emergency of COVID-19, the different services for migrants may be closed or delayed. Consult the institutions in charge for more information.
According to the Law on Refugees, Supplementary Protection and Asylum, a refugee is a person who:
- Fears being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, gender, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.
- Is outside the country of his/her nationality and does not have the protection of his/her country.
- Has fled his/her country because his/her life, security or freedom have been threatened by generalized violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violation of human rights or other circumstances that have seriously disturbed public order.
- Has lived directly, or feel at risk of living in the future, in any of the following situations:
• Extortion, harassment, harassment, physical or sexual violence by gangs or armed groups.
• For refusing to collaborate or be part of them.
• For refusing to pay war taxes or apartment taxes.
• For refusing to become a couple of people linked to criminal groups.
• For having witnessed a crime committed by them.
• Discrimination, threats, physical aggressions because of their religion or belief, their political ideas, their nationality or ethnicity.
• Beating, harassment, sexual violence because of their gender identity, sexual orientation or gender expressions. For example, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex (LGBTI) people.
• Harassment, threats, beatings or sexual violence by partners, ex-partners, family members or others.
• Being the victim of occupation/usurpation of housing, dispossession of land or other property.
• Have been forced into prostitution or marriage against their will.
• Their life, liberty or security are threatened by armed conflict, serious violence and insecurity.
How to apply for refugee status in Mexico?
If you are afraid to return to your country, you can apply for refugee protection in Mexico. The process is free and confidential.
Below you will find detailed information on the procedure for applying for protection as a refugee in Mexico.
Step 1: Apply
You can apply for refugee status at the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR) in Mexico City, Acayucan (Veracruz), Tenosique (Tabasco) or Tapachula (Chiapas), or at the Migration Regulation Offices of the National Migration Institute (INM) in the rest of the country. Within 30 working days after entering Mexico.
If you have more than 30 days in Mexico, approach the authority and explain the reasons why you were not able to present yourself earlier.
COMAR will ask you to fill out a form explaining why you left your country. If your family accompanies you, do not forget to include them in your application; if they are in the country of origin you must indicate it.
When submitting the application, it must be admitted by COMAR, which issues a certificate, proof that you have initiated the procedure.
When applying for refugee protection you have the right not to be returned to your country. With your certificate, you can also apply to the INM for your visitor's card for humanitarian reasons, which allows you to work during the procedure.
You can also contact COMAR from a migratory station and make your request from that place. Ask them to contact COMAR.
You have the right to have a lawyer during the whole procedure.
Step 2: Interview
COMAR interviews you to find out the reasons why you left your country. Also, you will have to explain the reasons why you do not want or can return. It is important to give as many details as possible.
If you have any documents or information related to your case, you must provide them, but it is important to know that you do not need proof of what happened in your country.
The interview should be conducted on an individual basis. You can also choose whether you are interviewed by a man or a woman. In addition, if you do not speak Spanish, you have the right to an interpreter or translator during the process.
Step 3: Responding to the request
COMAR will give your case and will give you the result up to 55 working days (Monday to Friday, excluding weekends and holidays in Mexico) after the date marked on your record. There are 45 working days to make a decision, plus 10 days to inform you of the result. In some cases, COMAR may extend the term for another 45 working days.
Step 4: What to do after receiving the answer
If it is positive: in coordination with COMAR you will have to go to the Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) to process your permanent residence in Mexico as a refugee.
All your family members included in the application will be recognized as refugees.
If it is negative: you will have the right to file an appeal within 15 working days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays in Mexico) following notification. COMAR will then review your case for a second time. This may take up to 90 calendar days (Monday through Sunday). If you don't have a free lawyer, you can go to any office of the Instituto Federal de la Defensoría Pública.
If COMAR denies your case for the second time, you have the right to receive support from a lawyer to continue your appeal before a judge.
If you do not want a second review of your case, you can return to your country.
Keep in mind that during the refugee recognition procedure you must:
- Stay in the state where you applied. If you want to move to a different state, you must apply to COMAR for authorization. Keep in mind that if you move without COMAR authorization, your case is considered abandoned.
- Go weekly to the COMAR or INM offices where you submitted your application to sign a proof that you remain in the state.
- Attend all interviews requested by COMAR.
If you wish, you can ask for guidance from the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Mexico at 01 800 226 87 69 or at the following e-mail address:
The Jaguar is also there to give you information and solve your doubts through its Facebook page, you can find it at:
Rights and obligations of refugees
Refugees have several rights, among them:
- To permanent residence in Mexico.
- Get to work.
- To receive health services.
- To receive education and, where appropriate, recognition of their studies.
- To move freely within Mexican territory.
- To have an identity document issued by the government of Mexico.
- To request family reunification.
They also have a series of obligations, among them:
- Respect the Political Constitution, laws and regulations of Mexico.
Official link:
Site: Instituto Nacional de Migración
Avenida Homero 1832, Los Morales Polanco, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México. C.P. 11510
External Link:
Due to the emergency of COVID-19, the different services for migrants may be closed or delayed. Consult the institutions in charge for more information.
Conditions within the national territory:
This condition of stay will be authorized to foreigners who are in any of the following cases:
a) Be offended, victim or witness of a serious crime committed on national territory.
b) Being an unaccompanied migrant child or adolescent.
c) Be an applicant for political asylum, recognition of refugee status or complementary protection of the Mexican State, until their immigration status is resolved.
d) When there is a humanitarian cause or one of public interest that makes it necessary for them to be interned or regularized in the country.
- Passport, identity and travel document or the official document issued by the authority of the country of origin, containing at least the name of the foreigner, nationality, date of birth and photograph.
- Migratory document in case the foreigner has had a status of stay
- Proof of payment of the fine determined by the authority in accordance with the provisions of Article 145 of the Immigration Act, unless they are in any of the cases that this provision expressly states as exempt.
Present the documents that accredit any of the following cases:
- Public document issued by a competent authority from which the status of victim or witness of a serious crime committed on national territory is derived, or agreement issued by the migratory authority based on the manifestation of the foreign person and other elements from which the character of witness or victim is derived.
- Proof of receipt of the application by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) in the case of a political asylum seeker.
- Proof issued by the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR), in the case of an applicant for refugee status.
- Proof of initiation of the statelessness determination procedure issued by the immigration authority, in the case of statelessness determination.
- Documentary accrediting the initiation of restitution proceedings issued by the SRE, or by the judicial authority, in the case of children or adolescents who are subject to international abduction and restitution proceedings.
- Document issued by a public institution that accredits the degree of vulnerability that makes the deportation or assisted return of the foreigner difficult or impossible; recommendation by COMAR or the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), or application on letterhead of the consular or diplomatic representation of the country of origin or residence of the minor or written request from the National System for the Integral Development of the Family, State Systems (DIF), in the case of unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents when it is in their best interest to do so.
- Exit permit for regularization when it is a question of a foreign person who accredited the other requirements in the migratory station
Initial validity: three hundred and sixty-five calendar days.
Application form:
Official link:
Site: Instituto Nacional de Migración
Avenida Homero 1832, Los Morales Polanco, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México. C.P. 11510
External Link:
Due to the emergency of COVID-19, the different services for migrants may be closed or delayed. Consult the institutions in charge for more information.
You must have an immigration status with the right to work.
The conditions with the right to work are as follows:
-Visitor with permission to carry out remunerated activities.
-Visitor for humanitarian reasons.
-Temporary resident.
-Temporary resident student.
-Permanent resident.
Each one of the conditions of stay has its own particularities and should be consulted in the nearest INM delegation.
2. Process the CURP
The Unified Population Registry Key (CURP) is a document issued by the National Population Registry. This document is the gateway to the world of work and the rest of the official documents, as it is necessary to perform procedures before the agencies of the Public Administration, or to be a beneficiary of programs granted by the government.
If the foreigner has a temporary or permanent permit, he can apply for his CURP online free of charge.
The Proof of Processing as applicant for refugee status allows to process the CURP and can be requested to the authority that is carrying out the procedure of refuge (COMAR or INM).
3. Obtain your Federal Taxpayer Registry
If you have the CURP you can process the Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC), before the Tax Administration Service (SAT), to make the payment of taxes before this agency. This document is required to receive income from work.
4. Notifications to the INM
Temporary residents, temporary residents, students or permanent residents must notify the National Immigration Institute (INM) of the change of marital status, name, nationality, domicile or place of work, within ninety calendar days after the change occurs.
To do so, a letter signed by the foreigner must be presented, in which, under protest to tell the truth, the change of marital status, name, nationality, new address or place of work, expressly indicating the previous and the new state or data that corresponds. In the event of dual nationality, this must be indicated and the nationality to be considered for registration and stay in the national territory.
- In the case of change of civil status must submit marriage certificate, divorce decree with date on which caused executory or death certificate of the spouse.
- In case of change of nationality, you must present the passport of the new nationality, certificate of nationality or letter of naturalization.
- In the case of a change of name, you must present a passport or identity and travel document with the new name and, if applicable, a document issued by the competent authority of your country in which the change of name is recorded.
If the person fails to notify the INM in a timely manner, he or she will be fined.
5. Change of employment
If the person has a temporary residence with permission to work, the company in which he or she works at the time of the renewal must have a Certificate of Alien Employer in order to renew the permit. It is important to consider this if you change jobs.
6. Support Programs
The General Directorate of Labor Training Centers (DGCFT), an area attached to the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), offers job training programs, such as:
-Training for and on the job in the Industrial Work Training Centers
-Coordination of the decentralized Training Institutes for Work (ICAT) on which the Training Units and Mobile Actions depend.
Visitor with permission to carry out Remunerated Activities:
Authorizes the foreigner to work in Mexico, for a period not exceeding 180 days. The visa may be used exclusively during the period of validity, which begins with the date of issue and by the number of entries indicated and the contracting company must have Proof of Registration of the Employer.
In order to obtain this status of stay, the employer must necessarily apply to the INM for a visa for an offer of employment in favor of the foreigner who wishes to hire.
For more information on the requirements for working in Mexico, please consult our Information Sheet on working in Mexico:
For more information on permanent residency requirements, see For information on requirements for working in Mexico, see our Fact Sheet on Working in Mexico: Find out the location of the INM Representative Office where you can carry out your formalities
More information:
Site: Instituto Nacional de Migración
Avenida Homero 1832, Los Morales Polanco, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México. C.P. 11510
External Link:
COVID-19 migratory restrictions:
As of March 30, the suspension until April 30 of non-essential activities in the public, private and social sectors is ordered. After April 30, the Health Secretariats, in coordination with the Labor and Economy Secretariats, will issue guidelines for the gradual resumption of activities. The following are considered essential activities for this measure, among others: Those that are directly necessary to attend the health emergency, such as: the medical branch's work activities, those involved in its supply, storage services and cold chain of essential supplies), logistics (airports, ports and railways), among others.
Requires a "visitor without permission to perform remunerated activities" visa, which allows you to stay in Mexico for up to 180 days, as long as your activity does not involve any remuneration.
Documentation to be presented: original visa application form ( passport or identity document and travel valid under international law, a passportsize photograph, document proving your economic solvency, document proving your legal stay (applies if you are not a national of the country where you apply for a visa).
You can apply for the visa online:, by phone or in person, at any of the 148 Consular Offices that Mexico has abroad (to know their location and hours of operation you need to enter here:
More information: and
Site: Instituto Nacional de Migración
Avenida Eucalipto 1001, Lomas del Guijarro, Tegucigalpa M.D.C.
External Link: